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pretty fabric covered hangers

April 15, 2012
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My late grandma loved crafting.  One of her creative endeavors that I remember clearly was the way she braided bands of polyester double knit fabric around wire clothes hangers.  Hey, it was in the seventies.  I had some of those hangers in my closet growing up and loved that the hangers were not only slip resistant, but also gentle on my clothes.

I started making my own version of grandma’s hangers about 15 years ago, but use sturdier hangers  and pretty cotton fabric rather than polyester.

I tear the fabric into strips about 1 1/2 inches wide then wrap them tightly around the hanger until it’s padded nicely.

On the final wrap I fold under the raw fabric edge to prevent shedding on my garments.

Then I tuck in the end, secure it with a straight pin and add a small ribbon in the center.

Here’s another alternative that’s very decorative and DIY friendly from the awesome blog wise craft.

yarn-wrapped hangers by wisecraft

So many ways to add sweet touches of homemade love.

Thank you for dropping by ~




sharing with {air your laundry} at freckled laundry
8 Comments leave one →
  1. April 15, 2012 6:28 pm

    Ah yes, I remember them well–grandma did hers with crocheting. And then there were some padded silk ones for special occasions.

    Yours are just lovely.

  2. April 16, 2012 7:52 am

    My husband and I have a little bit of a competition to see who can keep the crocheted hanger his grandmother made the longest. If I see it hanging empty on his side of the closet, I snatch it up~and he does the same. 🙂
    Your hangers are really pretty. They look great, and it’s a really good way to use up fabric scraps.

  3. April 16, 2012 12:55 pm

    Diane, these are utterly CHARMING!!!!

    Your home is cozy, warm, and inviting, so these hangers are like the perfect accent!

    My one Italian grandmother loved crocheting doilies. She had them on the backs of every chair and table top in her house. Whenever I visited her, I would put them on my head a pretend I had a wedding veil on – HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA!

    Happy Monday, dear friend!

    X to you and Cristybella!

  4. April 16, 2012 9:49 pm

    These are gorgeous! I love covered coat hangers too and even though I’m not very crafty I think this is something I could manage! Thanks for the idea.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  5. May 4, 2012 11:23 am

    is there any trick to covering the ends out on both sides?

  6. July 19, 2012 12:49 pm

    Your grandma inspired hangers are very pretty, Diane! Thank you for linking! xo Jami


  1. Fabric Covered Coathangers How To
  2. DIY Fabric covered hangers to match your décor! | ChimoraPrint

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